Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Impact of Science and Technology Essay

Advancements in science and technology have facilitated lifestyles much more comfortably with many substantial achievements in these decades. The launch of satellites into the earth orbit for communication purpose have brought people closer together regardless of the regions where they live in. The birth of electricity was the important milestone in the history of research and development in science and technology which led to the creation of many useful electronic devices and equipment to facilitate human activities. Hence, it is no doubt that the impact of science and technology regarding satellite communication and electricity generation has been good for everyone. This positive impact will be evaluated in the aspects of the development of friendly environmental forms of transportation, the growth of rural electrification in Third World countries and the enhancement of quality of life through medicine. The useful invention of electricity generation affects positively to the health of communities in terms of the development of friendly environmental forms of transportation. Carbon dioxide emissions affect negatively the health of communities and are the main cause of greenhouse gas which leads to global climate change. Half of global carbon dioxide is emitted by the burning of fossil fuel used by transportation (cited in Jà ¤rvinen, Orton and Nelson 2012). The creations of electric vehicles such as electric cars and electric trains are essential to contribute to downsizing the harmful carbon dioxide emissions. Jà ¤rvinen, Orton and Nelson (2012) argued that globally, there is a long term transportation policy which shifts gradually away from using liquid fossil fuels towards using electricity. ‘Electricity as a transportation fuel is a win-win for the economy and for the environment’ (Close-Up Media 2012, p.1), electricity is cheaper about 75 percent regarding fuel expense than gas or diesel and ‘electric transportation is much cleaner than gas or diesel fueled transportation, in terms of carbon and other pollutants’ (ibid, p.1), were concluded. It is argued that electricity which is used in electric vehicles is generated by burning coal, thus it also releases a large amount of carbon dioxide. Rigden (2002) stated that the carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuel to energy technology which links to global warming is undeniable. Although this carbon dioxide may be emitted from electricity  generation, it is not significant compared with the carbon dioxide emissions from internal combustion engine vehicles. The face is that electric vehicles will be able to mitigate per-kilometre ‘CO2 emissions by 33% in 2010, and 43–56% by 2030â€℠¢ (Wu et al. 2012, p. 549), so this compares favourably with the high emissions of internal combustion engine vehicles. It is no doubt that the generation of electricity provides beneficial to evolutions of various forms of transport which are friendly with the environment and therefore they benefit the people’s health. The generation of electricity also benefits strongly to the growth of rural electrification in Third World countries. The electrification brings the convenient life to people; especially the inhabitants in the remote regions of the developing nations who have the slow chance to approach electricity. There was the significant increase in the rate of rural electrification about fifteen times within 25 years from 1976 to 2000 which has been paralleled with the remarkable decrease in the incidence of poverty about 6 times in the same period in Tunisia (Chaieb and Ounalli 2001). The electrification which presented its advantages in the education with more electric lights instead of candle and kerosene lamps for school-age children to avoid eyes problems, in the health care with more electric medical equipment for patients to be cured and prevent diseases has been indicated in Tunisia (Chaieb and Ounalli 2001). The conclusion is that ‘national household electrification programme’ in South Africa has the good implication on the health and the quality of life of women in the remote areas in mitigation air pollution, enhancement health and saving time (Mathee and Wet 2001, p. 20). It is asserted that the natural resources such as oil, gas and coal which are used to generate electricity are limited; they are unable endless to meet the increasing demand of electricity in the rural areas. Whilst it may be true that these natural resources are limited, there are several alternative renewable resources to generate adequate electricity for the remote communities. It is implied that in rural regions, there is no proper infrastructure to generate enough powder for their demands, the renewable sources such as solar energy, wind energy ‘may be the most commercially competitive form of energy’ (Rigden 2002, p. 28). It is advocated that the cost of electricity generation from the onshore wind energy is the cheapest among other renewable sources (Rigden 2002). Hence, it is evident that the commencement  of electricity generation with the renewables resources is really beneficial to rural electrification in the developing countries. The other helpful implications of science and technology regarding satellite communication on people presented through the enhancement of quality of life through medicine. The useful roles of satellite communications to people’s health care is shown by the birth of telemedicine. Telemedicine applies telecommunication technologies to consult, monitor and diagnose patients in public hospitals and remote areas, to supply tele-education for medical personnel, medical interactive videoconference and provide telemedicine for emergency scenes. Foote (1977, p. 173) has reported that there was the remarkable increase in ‘health aide-physcian contact’ and ‘new cases handled by teleconsultation’ in first year of ‘introduction of the satellite link’ for rural health services i n Alaska. It has been inferred that not only the public health care, especially for people in the rural places has been improved but also the performance, proficiency and competence of medical doctors has been upgraded since the Venesat-1 satellite was launched in Venezuela (Acevedo, Varela, and Orihuela 2010). Therefore, people’s health care is well facilitated with the wide coverage of satellites services. Counterpoints, of course, be considered is that it is fairly hard for the Third World countries to apply satellite communication in medicine due to the costly implement of satellites equipment. Technology review (1990) stated that there was a slow approach of the satellite services to isolated places where needed the most. Even though the developing countries cannot launch satellite themselves, they can still receive the sponsor from the developed nations for free satellite educational and medical communications (Technology review 1990). Thus, the innovation of satellite communication supports positively the quality of life of people through medical field regardless of the public or remote areas they live in. In conclusion, it is obvious that the advancements in science and technology regarding satellite communication and electricity generation creates the strongly positive impact on everyone from every region in the world. Despite of few negative effects of science and technology, it is undeniable that the advantages of satellite communication and electricity generation outweigh their disadvantages in terms of the friendly environmental forms of transportation are increasingly invented, the rural electrification in Third World countries is strongly developed and the quality of life through medicine is supportively intensified. Therefore, scientists should make more efforts in research and development in science and technology to generate more useful, outstanding innovations to facility and upgrade quality of life of human being in future. .

Friday, August 30, 2019

Strategies to Implement Sustainability Programs

Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Table of Contents Content Introduction What is Supply Chain Sustainability? Why is Supply Chain Sustainability important?Traditional supply chain vs sustainable supply chain Advantages of Supply Chain Sustainability Strategies to implement sustainability in supply chain process Step1: Access the current supply chain Step 2 Access Environment: Current, Potential, and Future Impact Factors Step 3: Evaluation: Identifying Potential Risks and Opportunities Step 4: Extend or Re-design the Supply Chain Strategy Step 5 & step 6: Implementation with the Sustainable Supply Chain Scorecard Conclusion References Page No 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 AHMG Kibria Page 1 Strategic Supply Chain Management:Individual Assignment Topic: Strategies to implement sustainability programs in the supply chain firms Introduction: Environmental issues are becoming the main concerns of many global supply chain practitioners in today’s world. In order to address these emerging environmental issues, businesses around the globe are looking for a total solution on the reduction of the waste generated from the current supply chain process. Meanwhile, implementation cost that is needed to implement these environmental issues plays a major part in their considerations in selecting an implementation strategy.Recent studies by Carter and Rogers (2008) emphasised that sustainable supply chain development in terms of social, economic, and environmental benefits should be taken into consideration in a supply chain practice. More specifically, supply chain management can be defined as the integration of the social, economic, and environmental practices within a global supply chain that provide green products, excellent services and accurate information sharing that beneficial to all employees, shareholders, business partners and the wider community.The intent of this research is to propose strategies to implement sustainability in supply cha in firms. There are many different strategies have been used by the supply chain firms. This report analysed six step process approaches to implement sustainability in the supply chain process. What is Supply Chain Sustainability? Supply chain sustainability is the management of environmental, social and economic impacts, and the encouragement of good governance practices, throughout the lifecycles of goods and services.The objective of supply chain sustainability is to create, protect and grow long-term environmental, social and economic value for all stakeholders (consumers, community, government, society, employees etc). Why is Supply Chain Sustainability important? There are many reasons why companies start a supply chain sustainability journey. Primary among them is to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and to support international principles for sustainable business conduct.In addition, companies are increasingly taking actions that result in better social, economic a nd environmental impacts because society expects this and because there are business benefits to doing so. By managing and seeking to improve environmental, social and economic performance and good governance throughout supply chains, companies act in their own interests, the interests of their stakeholders and the interests of society at large.According to Penfield (2009) Supply chain operations are fundamental to sustainability performance and supplying for sustainability is being touted in management circles as the future of competitive supply chains. Traditional supply chain vs sustainable supply chain Conventional supply chains are more interested in serving the purpose of logistics than optimization. On the other hand a focus on sustainability aims at creating and protecting value with reference to long-term social, environmental and economic components in bringing goods AHMG Kibria Page 2 Strategic Supply Chain Management:Individual Assignment and services to the market. The primacy of operations is to adequately meet current demands while making reserves for future generations. Linton et al (2007), indicates the focus of sustainable logistics is on optimization of resources along the entire production so that final production is of the highest value at the lowest cost. There is strategic optimization of resources, reduction of wastages, as well as utilization of supply by-products. In addition, it entails a focus beyond delivery to consumers, to other areas beyond the traditional scope of supply chain management.According to IBM report (2009) supply chain management in contemporary business practice faces five key challenges: cost containment, supply chain visibility, risk management, growing market demand and globalization impacts. Conventional chains only focused on delivering the end-products and, as such, suffered diminished returns owing to the growth in market and volatile consumers. On the other hand, supply chain sustainability seeks to not onl y deliver the utility, but also seeks to improve social, economic and environmental performance.As such, companies and supply chain managers deliver their own interests and those of the stakeholders and the society (Misra, et al. 2010). Advantages of Supply Chain Sustainability Social Advantage – Primary benefits are derived from positive environmental and social externalities that are enjoyed by both customers and companies’ stakeholders alike. For example Wal-Mart has implemented a program that successfully minimises the waste allocated to landfill within the USA (19. 1%), and increasingly China and Brazil (52%), which has the potential to prevent 11. million metric tons of CO2 emissions annually (Wal-Mart, 2012). Financial Advantage- Companies are realizing competitive benefits from investing in supply chain efficiency, Wal-Mart generated in excess of $231million in 2011 through a combination of increased recycling revenue and decreased expenses (Wal-Mart, 2012). En hanced supply chain security – Improvements in labour conditions has the compounded benefit of reducing employee induced work stoppages and can positively impact a company’s ability to continuously manufacture goods and services, increasing customer satisfaction and revenue.Increased competitiveness of suppliers – Buyers increasingly interprets suppliers’ good CSR performance as a sign of strong overall management, which affects other elements of supplier development, such as quality and on-time deliveries. In the long run, suppliers that work to continuously improve their environmental and social performance will gain better access to markets and clients (BSR Survey). Strategies to implement sustainability in supply chain process In order to develop strategies supply chain managers need to consider what a supply chain strategy is, link the strategy to the competitive strategy and sustainability.The following figure shows the three important elements in o rder to develop a successful sustainable supply chain. AHMG Kibria Page 3 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Figure: Three areas to integrate sustainable supply chain Cetinkaya (2011) This report analyses an iterative six step process approach to implement sustainability in Supply chain firms. A systematic approach to strategy design and integration can help companies developing a sustainable supply chain to create a value proposition.This iterative six-step approach has to be seen as a cycle which should be executed regularly in your supply chain, since relevant conditions may change quite quickly and sometimes radically for example, the oil price spike of 2008. AHMG Kibria Page 4 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Figure: Steps of a sustainable supply chain strategy Cetinkaya (2011) Step1: Access the current supply chain: Step 1 aims to take stock of the current state of company- and supply chain specific characteristics regarding strate gy, resources, and current and planned practices.It is mainly concerned with internal factors and considers elements which are usually within the control of a company. It seeks to discover whether there is a common strategic alignment, and whether the goals of each strategy element are integrated, aligned, and complementary. A company’s own supply chain strategy which is not aligned to the corporate and cross-company supply chain strategy cannot be sustainable. Potential short- and long-term goal conflicts can rapidly become serious barriers to implementing a sustainable supply chain along its members; especially if the supply chain is required to adapt quickly to change.The analysis also shows if top management commitment is given within the individual companies and the supply chain. In summary the findings from this step are: ? ? ? ? The existing corporate and competitive strategies The sustainability strategies (if sustainability is not already part of the corporate strate gy) The company-specific supply chain strategies, and finally The cross-company supply chain and collaboration strategy Cetinkaya (2011). AHMG Kibria Page 5 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual AssignmentStep 2 Access Environment: Current, Potential, and Future Impact Factors The second step of this process deals primarily with what is changing in the business environment, what kind of scenarios your company will face in the medium and long term, and finally, what the main driver of change may be. This will lead, together with the analysis from step 1, to the definition of potential risks and opportunities for your supply chain strategy in step 3. Supply chain input resources such as fuel, energy, and natural resources nowadays deserve close attention in supply chain management logistics.The trend of rising prices and increasing scarcity make input resources major risk management factors in an economic perspective, especially when a company runs cost- and energy-sensitive s upply chains. Understanding and forecasting input resource-related information helps in developing a sustainable supply chain strategy Cetinkaya (2011). Step 3: Evaluation: Identifying Potential Risks and Opportunities: After analysing first two steps of this process it is easier to identify potential risks and opportunities to implements sustainability in supply chain process.Supply chain firms can use framework to access supply chain capabilities in the context of the scenarios identified in the step2. The assessment then serves to determine supply chain specific Threat-OpportunityProfile. Companies need to understand the cause-and-effect relationships between potential success factors to undertake evaluation. For example, companies should be able to estimate that the regionalization of procurement structures in response to an oil price increase would be likely to reduce transport costs Cetinkaya (2011).Step 4: Extend or Re-design the Supply Chain Strategy Based on the Threat-Oppo rtunity-Profile, now it is possible to define strategic gaps on the route to a sustainable supply chain; gaps between current supply chain strategy and the changing business environment. The greater and more relevant the potential risks and opportunities, the larger will be the gaps, and the greater the need to act and make strategy changes. At this stage the following strategic programs can be distinguished: 1. Compliance- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of reducing and managing risk. 2.Process-Re-engineering- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of improving productivity and efficiency and in consequence, of reduced supply chain costs, increased resource productivity, and reduced environmental impacts. 3. Restructuring- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of the long term and fundamental improvement of effectiveness and early prevention of risk. 4. Innovation- to obtain the benefit and competitive value of differentiation. 5. Progression- to obtain the b enefit of first mover advantage, and establishing market entry barriers Cetinkaya (2011).AHMG Kibria Page 6 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Step 5 & step 6: Implementation with the Sustainable Supply Chain Scorecard: After completing step1 to step4 companies must be able to develop appropriate scope of strategic vision and determine the right actions to align supply chain strategy to the changing business environment. These findings have been incorporated into the reformulation or redesign of existing supply chain strategy and the associated objectives. Now, the following step will show how to implement them.This research analyses â€Å"Balanced Scorecard† developed by Kaplan and Norton from 1990 in order to show implementation of findings from stage1 to stage4. Figure: The Kaplan/Norton Balanced Scorecard Cetinkaya (2011) The Balanced Scorecard is a (performance) management system providing a framework to translate a strategy into balanced operationa l terms via objectives and measures, organised into four different perspectives: financial, customer, internal business process, and learning and growth. The measures represent a balance ?Between external measures for shareholders and customers, and internal measures of critical business processes, innovation , and learning and growth. ? Between the outcome measures – the result from past efforts- and the measures that drive future performance, and ? Between objectives, easily quantified outcome measures and subjective, somewhat judgmental, performance drivers of the outcome measures. Scorecard: the financial perspective: Assess social and ecologic activities accurately from the economic point of view.Scorecard: the sustainability perspective: Link financial figures with customer needs. Extend this link by the environmental and social perspective. AHMG Kibria Page 7 Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment Scorecard: the supply chain perspective: Incorporate t actical and strategic decisions along the end-to-end supply chain. Collaborate with your sales and product development departments and partners Cetinkaya (2011). Scorecard: The learning and growth perspective: Drive supply chain wide learning.So, after analysing Balance Scorecard it has seen that supply chain companies will be able to implement their strategy and also evaluate their strategy. Conclusion This research paper described the importance of sustainability in supply chain process. It also showed the differences between traditional supply chain and sustainable supply chain, the advantages of having sustainability in supply chain process. Most importantly this research analysed the strategy to implement sustainability.In order to do that it showed a six step process which is: step1: access the current supply chain, step2: access environment: current, potential, and future impact factors, step3: evaluation: identifying potential risks and opportunities, step4: extend or re-des ign the supply chain Strategy, step 5 & step 6: how to implement strategies with the sustainable supply chain scorecard which shows the financial, sustainable, supply chain and learning & growth perspective. Supply chain companies will be able to implement sustainability in their process by following these six step-by-step processes. AHMG Kibria Page 8Strategic Supply Chain Management: Individual Assignment References: ? BSR20, Maximizing Benefits From a Sustainable Supply Chain, BSR, March, 2011, viewed 28 September 2012, http://www. bsr. org/reports/BSR_Maximizing_Benefits_From_A_Sustainable_Supply_Chain. p df Carter, C. R. and Rogers, D. S. â€Å"A framework of sustainable supply chain management: moving towards new theory,† International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management, vol. 38, pp. 360-387, 2008. Cetinkaya, B. , 2011, 1st edn, Developing a Sustainable Supply Chain Strategy’, Sustainable Supply Chain Management, viewed at 13/11/12. http:// www. pringer. com/business+%26+management/production/book/978-3-642-12022-0 IBM, 2009. The smarter supply chain of the future: Global chief supply chain officer study, New York: IBM Global Services. Linton, J. , Klassen, R. & Jayaraman, V. , 2006. ‘Sustainable supply chains: An introduction’, Journal of operations management, Kaplan RS, Norton DP (1996): The balanced scorecard: translating strategy into action. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press Misra, V. , Khan, M. & Singh, U. , 2010, ‘Supply chain management systems: Architecture, design and vision’, Journal of strategic innovation and sustainability, vol. , no. 4, pp. 102108. Penfield, P. 2009, Seven Steps to Implementing a Sustainable Supply Chain, Syracuse University, Charlotte. Sisco, C. , Chorn, B. , Jorgensen, P. , 2010, Supply Chain Sustainability- A Practical Guide for Continuous Improvement, UN Global Compact Office and Business for Social Responsibility, viewed at 12/11/12 http://www. u nglobalcompact. org/docs/issues_doc/supply_chain/SupplyChainRep_spread. pdf Walmart Boyend 50 years: Building a sustainable future, Walmart, viewed 27/09/12 http://www. walmartstores. com/sites/responsibility-report/2012/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? AHMG Kibria Page 9

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Managing and leading people Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Managing and leading people - Essay Example With the focus on the relationship between people management and organizational performance it will be easy to understand the importances and also the complexities that can be faced while efficiently managing people. It is more complex because of the changing environment and with the changes that take place in the company. Global executives across the world face lot of challenges in leading people and also manage people in a better way and that to in the continuously changing environment. The leaders face many problems to jell around with the people in the organization and also motivate them and create a good work environment in the company. For a leader it is very important to implement a standard practice in all the areas of the business and also fort a good performance of the company. In this report it can be seen how important a good leader is for a particular organization. The various challenges that a particular manager faces being a leader and also in managing people in an organization is been studied using various concepts and theories. This essay will help to understand the important tools that the leader needs to implement so that he/she can effectively manage the staff working under him to increase their efficiency and also improve their motivation. It also includes what makes a person a good leader and also how it fits with the strategic goal of the company to make it grow in a good way. The individual performance of every employee in the organization is very important as it helps the company to increase the productivity of the people. Bath model is been used to understand the link between people and their performance in the organization. This model was established by John Purcell in 2004, to understand the link between the individual and their performance. This gives a clear indication on how the individual performance influences the organizational

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

1 day diet diary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

1 day diet diary - Essay Example The recording of the foods eaten was done immediately after eating and some were done just before eating. In most cases I did the latter rather than the former method. The quantities were first recorded in a rough draft before being transferred to the diet diary. The weights of the foods were measured by various means depending on the type of food. The fish was weighed using a weighing to determine its weight. The weight of the rice was estimated from the value provided on the packet. The weight of the cake was per the value I got from the bakery when I bought it. For the drinks the amount was measured by the use of measuring cylinder. The accuracy of my recordings and measurement is of a recommendable status but it’s not utterly accurate to the point. The reason for it not being very accurate is that some of the measurements were estimated especially for the foods that I bought, as I relied on the information provided by the seller. However, as per my opinion most of the recordings were accurate. My general strategy for improving the diet is by first and foremost cutting on the amount of sugary stuff that I take on a daily basis. The other way of improving my diet is including some vegetables into the diet diary. This is in order for me to have a high-fiber diet. Dietary fiber is mainly found in fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. Fiber or roughage is generally well known for its ability to prevent constipation. Some of the other benefits of a fiber include :( mayo clinic, [online]) Water is also vital in keeping one healthy; hence, I have to include it in my diet. Water helps in washing away waste products and poisonous substance (toxins) from our systems. It is so unfortunate that many people are dehydrated; this is can be attributed to the fact that they either don’t know or ignore the value of water in our bodies. It is of great importance to note the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Article Review Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Article Review - Research Paper Example Choosing this specific forensic discipline is because there are significant flaws in the justice system that needs repair. Many innocent people end up in prisons unfairly. There is no sufficient evidence to put them behind bars. It requires the government to act because they have a duty to protect the citizens. There are cases where inmates commit suicide. It is against the constitution for a person to take away his life. There are people who bear the blame for the suicides of the inmates. The common reason is convicting them for the wrong reason. The government always arrest people who involve themselves in drug abuse. To correct the criminal system, the government should categorise drugs as a national problem rather than a crime. According to (Lozoff, 2013), there are many drug inmates in prisons. The best idea is for the government to consider taking these inmates to a rehabilitation centre. Furthermore, making drugs a health problem is the main solution rather it being a justice problem. According to statistics, 62% of inmates are in prisons because of drug related issues. The drug problem is too complex for the government to tackle. It is common with the rich people. They have the necessary resources to bribe the law enforcers. In the end, the problem will never cease. The government has to find the cause of the drug problem. There are many reasons like poverty, loneliness, level of economy, etc. The government should address these issues. The lawmakers should change the laws concerning drugs. It will clean the justice system becoming efficient. It is important to separate serious offenders from petty offenders. It will create violent scenes in the prisons. Furthermore, it will make the non-violent prisoners turn to be violent. The state allocates resources to correct inmates behaviour. It will be a loss to the taxpayers money if the inmates learn bad behaviour

Monday, August 26, 2019

Case 7 Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

7 - Case Study Example CVS Corporation’s mission is to improve the livelihoods of its customers through innovation and provision of exceptional health and pharmacy services to enhance safety, affordability, and ease of access. The company’s economical audit performance will determine the devolution of its strategies. Other sources of funding, however, are to implement crucial strategies. The company’s strategic plans, however, are uncertain. Emergence of new Strategies that prove vital may call for refunding. The company aims at strengthening its position in the market. Despite the economic constraints experienced in the past two years, the company is still acquiring strategies to acquire new market. The company also intends to diversify its services in the market. Because of the high rate of technological growth in the world, the company intends to digitize its service delivery. Subsequent innovations aimed at improving the company’s performance will couple technological establishment. The implementation would be parallel to online sales for the company. The company identified a seasonal trend in their sales in the previous years. To counter that, the company aims at acquiring different companies. The companies will relate directly or indirectly to CVS. The company is developing strategies to enable it develop its own product brand. One of the objectives of CVS is to achieve a global expansion. This strategy implementation will enable CVS to venture into the foreign markets outside the U.S. This will be vital in the stabilization of the capital flow for the company. A license will be vital in this expansion for it will enable the company to take the full risk of the international market. Compared to the previous case study, this current study acquires the form of a business plan. The vision and objectives of the company provide an insight as to where the company is heading. The efforts required to achieve the company’s mission reflect the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Online environments require and encourage a different way of working Essay

Online environments require and encourage a different way of working and studying. Critically discuss whether you agree with this statement, supporting your a - Essay Example The proliferation and sophistication of the Internet makes it possible to establish online learning and instruction domains that can be accessed by learners belonging to various age groups, irrespective of their gender. Thus the Internet has evolved into a pedagogical tool, through which education can be imparted to learners. Online learning constitutes a education that is challenging, in comparison to conventional classroom learning. This type of education requires the use of computers as the delivery vehicle. Consequently, students who are desirous of learning online must possess the skills to operate computers and they must be familiar with computer technologies2. The significant characteristic of this computerized learning medium is interactivity. This characteristic enables the users of computers to modify, change and manipulate the on screen objects. The software programmes are designed to allow such manipulations by the users. Computers that are connected to the internet provide users with an opportunity to communicate with other users across the world. Moreover, the developers and researchers of computer – based education are chiefly concerned with three major aspects involved in interactivity. First, support provided for online learning courses. Secondly, the opportunity of interaction with the content and learning material available online and lastly, the ability of the learners to access, manipulate, synthesise and communicate content information3. The other factors of concern include interaction with instructors, the ability of participants to communicate with tutors and receive their comments and observations, and interaction with other online learners. All these factors promote the development of an active learning community. The traditional classrooms have a well established teacher – student relationship. The students feel the presence of the teacher and there will be a face – to – face

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Death Of A Salesman by Arthur Miller Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Death Of A Salesman by Arthur Miller - Essay Example Broken and delusional, he goes home to his family, trying to make sense out of his life (Whitalec 144). The challenge for Willy is that he does not know how to do anything else but sales. Although he attempts to find a job with his neighbor Charlie, he is unsuccessful. Eventually, he decides that the best thing for him to do is commit suicide; at least his family will have the insurance money when he is gone. 2 Symbolism There are a variety of symbols that Miller uses to advance the story. The title itself is a symbol of the dying breed of traveling salesman, as well as a foreshadowing that Willy will eventually take his life. In the beginning of the story, Willy likes to do gardening at night and there is a great emphasis on planting seeds. Seeds are a symbol of growth and these are also the seeds of the many pleasant memories that Willy has about Ben and about his â€Å"past and barren present condition† (Ali 1). The seeds are also a symbol for the wealth that Willy wants an d his need to put food on the table for his family. Planting seeds can also be about telling someone bits of wisdom. Willy felt that he was not able to help his son Biff in a way that would have helped him become someone in the world. From Willy’s perspective, Biff is not doing enough with his life and this is because Willy was not able to â€Å"cultivate and nurture† (Sparknotes 3) his son. Willy feels that if he could have planted the seeds of ambition within his son, that he would have done more with his life. The American Dream is a symbol that runs consistently through the story and it is a symbol of what Willy feels he cannot have, no matter what he does. Part of the American Dream is to have money and for Willy, the diamond mine that his brother was working with was about wealth. Diamonds present a symbol of wealth that is tangible to Willy and he sees diamonds as a way to validate his labor. Diamonds are also a symbol of a legacy that he could pass down to his sons (Sparknotes). Unfortunately, the American Dream has not meant wealth for Willy and at the end of the story he kills himself so that his family can receive the insurance money for his death. Stockings are often sold by salesman and Willy seems to be obsessed with making sure that his wife has new stockings all the time. These stockings are also a symbol of infidelity when Biff finds out that his father is having an affair and has given a pair of new stockings to his mistress. Also, new stockings for his wife provide Willy with the idea that he has taken care of at least one of his wife’s needs (Sparknotes). Willy lives in New York hoping that he will one day be able to move ahead in life. He yearns to leave the city and go to Africa with Ben (though Ben is now dead) or he would like to go to the American West. These symbols show Willy as someone who really wants more out of life but he does not know how to do this for himself; instead, he lives his dreams of wealth throug h hallucinations of his brother Ben. He had the change to go with Ben at one point in his life, but he did not do it because he was afraid. He allowed his home to restrict his movement. His home is actually another symbol of his restricted living. He does not have a space at home that is totally his and it is met with many financial problems that continue to keep him restricted (Witelec 1). The issue of acceptance is another theme that also acts

An analysis the service marketing issues affecting JD SPORTS within Essay

An analysis the service marketing issues affecting JD SPORTS within the SPORTING retail sector - Essay Example It is the intangibles of the business’ operational model that provides JD Sports with its current number two position amongst competition. However, in a market environment in which services are highly homogenous amongst competition, JD Sports must emphasise quality in order to maintain a proper brand reputation and build long-term brand equity. Interaction with staff members within the organisation and the service environment (servicescape) will dictate the depth of relationship with the brand that is perceived by customers (Berry and Carbone, 2007; Grace and O’Cass 2004). This is one of the fundamental challenges for JD Sports: establishing a relevant service marketing model that will enhance long-term brand loyalty which translates into higher profitability and better opportunities for brand expansion into other product lines. Chaudhuri and Holbrook (2001) iterate that brand loyalty is the foundation of being able to establish premium pricing models and also generates essential word-of-mouth advertising needed to gain ground with important target markets. Gounaris and Vlasis (2004) iterate the benefits of achieving brand loyalty to include higher revenues, less vulnerability to a variety of different competitor-generated marketing rivalry, and favourable word-of-mouth advertising. JD Sports, however, has not been able to successfully translate its service marketing model into a viable service methodology to enhance brand loyalty. In this market, it is quite simplistic for competitors to replicate existing service models and merchandise offerings, making it an intricate process of determining an appropriate service quality standard that will not be easily replicated by competition. â€Å"A strong brand is the only asset a company maintains that cannot be copied† (Nandan 2005, p.271). Further, empirical study results illustrate that brands which focus on establishing a brand image generate more loyal

Friday, August 23, 2019

Jonathon Swift's A Modest Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jonathon Swift's A Modest Proposal - Essay Example After 9/11 incidents US decided to take the war against terrorism to rouge states. With the help from the allies they bombed Afghanistan. They ended the Taliban era in Afghanistan. Now the allied forces and the US decided to take the war against terrorism in other parts of the world. Due to the past record of Iraq it became target for the allied forces. This war against terrorism helped in reducing the population of the world. The burden on mother earth became somewhat less. During and after the war many soldiers died. Both the allied forces and Iraq lost their soldiers Due to these deaths both the governments doesn't have to spend extra penny for their food, clothes and ammunition. They don't have to give monthly salaries to the dead. Thus they could use the money for other purposes. The allied forces include Australia, England etc. They send their sons and daughters to Iraq to die in the name of war against terrorism. They were willing to sacrifice their beloved ones to maintain a closer and friendly relationship with the US. By invading Iraq the US and the allied forces can get oil and other petroleum products cheaply. They fed their oil hungry industries by slowly making Iraq's only source for development perishable. This is just like taking from the needed and keeping it for themselves. The war on Iraq resulted in political instability in Iraq. ... It would work in favor of US, politically and economically. Iraq's position after the war is just like a blank paper on which the US and the allied forces could write anything i.e. they can mould Iraq's political and economic scenario as they wish. It is the best way of establishing a colonial rule. The ruling government in Iraq though has been declared elected democratically in under the US control. Thus the political decisions could be influenced by the US presence. It would help US in establishing temporary or permanent base for its troops in west Asia to expand their colonial rule.The war on Iraq provided other countries to have their own share for co-operating with US. It helped them to actively participate in different scandals. Scandal like oil-for-food program can easily surface. The war resulted in more employment. People from different countries work in Iraq and are awaiting their death to come which they don't know form which side it will come. Civil war is the result of US invasion of Iraq the civil war helped the Iraqis to become free from their filthy lives by becoming victims to it. Civil war is the best way for robbers, kidnappers and other anti-social elements to flourish their business. Thus they become richer and wealthier in a single night. Mafia gangs could emerge easily and can claim their position. Thus without much help from invading countries mafia can govern the society in Iraq. Children could take commando training at early age. Instead of spreading love they could spread hatred across the society. The war on Iraq helped US and the allied forces economically and politically. The industry that manufactures defense equipment was financially benefited. Due to the immediate requirement

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Vision and Values Essay Example for Free

Vision and Values Essay In their 2009 article, Darling and Heller contend that â€Å"The Key to the successful management leadership of organizational development in today’s era of dynamic changes is thereby embedded in the leader’s thoughts and feelings. I concur that a leader’s thoughts and feelings are paramount in determining the leader’s success and therefore the success of the organization. (Heller, 2009) In the Harvard Business Review article â€Å"Leadership That Get Results,† Daniel Goldman cites research which shows that up to 30% of a company’s financial results are determined by the climate of the organization. The major factor that drives the climate of the organization is the leader. Goldman also states that roughly 50-70% of how employees perceive their organization’s climate is attributable to the actions and behaviors of their leader. (Martinuzzi, 2013) A leader creates the environment that determines people’s moods at the office and their mood in turn, affects their productivity and level of engagement. People take their cues from the leader’s state of mind. For example, as a leader, one has to be particularly mindful to how to manage emotions if your organization is undergoing change. How a leader handle emotions during these crucial times can help or hinder the change process. It is a known fact that if the resistance to change is emotional, it is the hardest form of resistance to overcome. As the leader handling a change initiative, do not avoid the emotions that accompany the change process. The leader is the one who sets the mood and manage the emotions. A leader’s upbeat mood metaphorically oxygenates the blood of the followers. It may be one of the most potent contributions you can make as a leader. (Martinuzzi, 2013) I do not believe that Darling and Heller have identified a new approach to management in turbulent times because top producing leaders have been using this method for decades. References Heller, J. D. (2009). Organization development in an era of socioeconomic change: A focus on the key to successful management leadership. Organization Development Journal, 27(2), 9-26. (ProQuest Document ID 1737653851). Martinuzzi, B. (2013). A Leaders Mood: The Dimmer Switch of Performance. Retrieved from 1000

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Reviewing Social Control Theories On Individuals Criminology Essay

Reviewing Social Control Theories On Individuals Criminology Essay 1. Based on all of the theories you have been exposed to so far in the course, choose the one theory that you think is the best at explaining crime. Compare it to at least two other theories and discuss how the theory you chose represents an improvement over the other two. Be specific and be sure to cite the empirical research to support your argument. Based on all the theories I have been exposed to in this course so far, social control theory is the best at explaining crime. Social control theory explains crime in terms of the individuals social relationships and focuses on the absence of significant relationships with conventional others and institutions (Agnew, 1992:48). The theory utilizes issues of conformity, so instead of theorizing about the motivations of criminal behavior, the social control theory ask, Why do people conform? In this theory people believe that societys ability to control social groups affects whether an adolescent turns to a life of crime or not. Social control theory comes from the learning theories which are developed from family ties or other social circles that individuals interact with so as to learn what is right and what is wrong. When these controlling influences are weak or rendered ineffective and absent, society frees the individual to deviate from legal and moral norms; therefore, crime often does occur. In particular, crime is most likely to when (1) when the adolescent is not attached to the parents, school, or other institutions; (2) parents and others fail to monitor and effectively sanction deviance; (3) the adolescents actual or anticipated investment in conventional society is minimal; and (4) the adolescent has not internalized conventional beliefs (Agnew, 1992:49). Although strain, social control, and differential association theory/social learning theory are all sociological theories, strain theory is distinguished from social control and social learning theory in its specification of (1) the type of social relationship that leads to delinquency and (2) the motivation for delinquency. Strain theory focuses explicitly on negative relationships with others: relationships in which the individual is not treated as he or she wants to be treated. Agnews developed a new theory, general strain theory that defines measurements of strain, the major types of strain, the links between strain and crime, coping strategies to strain, the determinants of delinquent or non-delinquent behavior, and policy recommendations that are based on this theory which introduced a new perspective on the original theory that was written off a few decades ago. While social control theory rests on the premise that the breakdown of society frees the individual to commit crime, strain theory is focused on the pressure that is placed on the individual to commit crime (Agnew, 1992:49). According to the strain theory, individual deviance is caused as a result of negative relationships or treatment from others; and this result in anger and frustration (Agnew, 1997a:31). Agnews strain theory was developed from the work of Durkheim and Merton and addressed many of the criticisms of the original strain theory, however; it lacked the supporting data and still had several flaws like the original strain theory. Strain theory can cause many negative feelings in an individual including defeat, despair, and fear, but the feeling that is most applicable to crime is anger. For example, an increase in strain would lead to an increase in anger, which may then lead to an increase in crime. Social control theory represents an improvement over the strain theory as it explains that if an individual has certain morals and social values that they live by and grew up believing t hat they are more likely to seek a socially acceptable way of achieving their goals and not let feelings of defeat, despair, fear, and anger lead them to respond to strain with crime. The strain theory affect creates pressure for corrective action which may lead adolescents to (1) make use of illegitimate channels of goal achievement, (2) attack or escape from the source of their adversity, and/or (3) manage their negative affect through the use of illegal drugs (Agnew, 1992:49). Social control theory, by contrast, denies that outside forces pressure the adolescent into crime but rather, the absence of significant relationships with other individuals and groups frees the adolescent to engage in delinquency in response to inner forces or situational inducements. Social learning theory (SLT) is distinguished from strain and control theory by its focus on positive relations with deviant others (Agnew, 1992:49). Social learning theory focuses on the general principles that (1) people can learn by observing the behavior of others and the outcomes of those behaviors (If people observe positive, desired outcomes in the observed behavior, they are more likely to model, imitate, and adopt the behavior themselves), (2) learning can occur without a change in behavior, and (3) cognition plays a role in learning. This theory incorporates aspects of behavioral learning (assumes that peoples environment cause people to behave in certain ways) and cognitive learning (presumes that psychological factors are important for influencing how one behaves) factors that are important for influencing how one behaves. Social learning theory outlines three stages for people to learn and model behavior include (a) attention: retention (remembering what one observed), ( b) reproduction (ability to reproduce the behavior), and (c) motivation (good reason) to want to adopt the behavior (Agnew, 1992:49). The social learning theory claims that the relationship with illegal peers will lead to a criminal lifestyle that changes the values of achieving success in a legit way. Reisss theory of personal and social control states that delinquency results when there is a relative absence of internalized norms and rules governing behavior in conformity with the norms of the social system to which legal penalties are attached (Lilly, 2007:85). One disadvantage of the social learning theory is that it does not account for what may be considered positive it focuses more on the factors perceived as negative by the learner. Social control theory represents an improvement as it seeks to direct and guide social learning toward obedience specific to an agenda outside the learners. Social learning is a change in behavior that is controlled by environmental influences ra ther than by innate or internal forces that occurs through observing the consequences of others and by determining if such behavior is worth replicating. The theory of social control emphasizes on the role of society in the control of criminal behavior and proposes social learning with the help of social control which is why I chose the theory of social control over the social learning theory. The Theory of Social Control is widely cited in criminology in addition it has also been explored by the realist philosophers and represented by Travis Hirschi, a pro-pounder of Right Realism. While no single theory can explain why everyone commits crime social control theory does look at the causations of crime from learning theories. They teach us that morals are taught in families and other social circles and that these morals keep individuals from committing crimes they are taught are wrong. The main premise of control theories is that When controls are present, crime does not occur; when controls are absent, crime often does occur (Beaver, 2010). Social control theory does give explanation by teaching us that when people hold tightly to certain morals and social values they are more likely to seek a socially acceptable way of achieving their goals. 3. During our course discussion, many of you pointed out that the criminological theories that we discussed have both strengths and limitations. This is a view that is held by many criminologists. One way to overcome this problem is to integrate theories into a single perspective. You are responsible for creating an integrated theory that incorporates elements from at least three theories. Be sure to provide a detailed analysis of this theory, including how you were able to integrate components from other theories. During certain parts of history, criminological thoughts had various ways such as criminological theories on crime causation that had been put together into a single perspective. One way to overcome this problem is to create an integrated theory that incorporates elements such as combining these great ideas expressed by the concepts of differential association theory that was developed by Edwin Sutherland, Mertons theory on deviance from his 1938 analysis of the relationship between culture, structure and anomie, and Robert Agnews general strain theory to provide a more accurate and comprehensive reasoning that some individuals commit crime but some individuals do not. Although many criminologists have viewed the criminological theories to have both strengths and limitations, it is by no means one single theory but the ideas from the three slighted altered theories that will help in providing a better explanation and understanding of criminal behavior. The first theory, differential association by Sutherland (1949:75) explains that deviant behavior is absorbed just like any other behavior through interactions with others human beings. Sutherlands differential association predicts that an individual will choose the criminal path when the balance of definitions for law-breaking (unfavorable) exceeds those for law-abiding (favorable). Ultimately, the theory focuses on how individuals learn how to become criminals, which is because of an excess of definitions favorable to breaking the laws. Along the lines of differential association this theory of criminal desire holds that every individual behavior is learned from their interaction with the environme nt (Sutherland, 1949:76). From a researchers perspective, an individual will view society differently if they are gainfully employed as opposed to unemployed, if in a supportive and loving family or abused by parents. However, individuals might respond differently to the same situation depending on how their experience predisposes them to define their current surroundings (Sutherland, 1949:77). However, the integrated theory learning process is not limited to just differential associations, as is the case with Sutherlands theory, besides acknowledging the influence of both humans and non-human (i.e. money and social gain) objects. The second theory drawn upon the present formulation is Mertons theory on deviance from his 1938 analysis of the relationship between culture, structure and anomie. Mertons theory involves the interactions and importance between different culturally defined goals what social arrangement makes them possible to achieve. According to Merton, anomie, derived from Emile Durkheim, if such cultural success is not achievable through legitimate practices than individuals will likely to illegitimate means available for reaching them. In short, overemphasis on material success (i.e. the American dream as an emphasis on the goal of monetary achievement) and lack of opportunity for such success leads to deviant acts that will be against the law. Institutional anomie theory, as published by Steven Messner and Richard Rosenfeld, proposed that the American societal pursuit of monetary success leads to anomie, or a departure from normal, sanctioned behaviors and a break from institutional social con trols (Lilly, Cullen, and Ball, 2007:90). As anomie increases, so does the level of criminal behavior used by individuals to obtain monetary success (Lilly, Cullen, and Ball, 2007:90). As such, the integrated theory provides a more accurate and comprehensive explanation on the concepts that were established by Merton by providing an adequate explanations of them, Which would include classifying each, and every one as learned phenomena. Additionally, Mertons theory is the main source of agitation, thereby leading an individual to deviant acts of crime, when these culturally defined goals of individuals are likely not to be achieved through legitimate processes.   Last, the general strain theory revised by Robert Agnew was developed from the work of Durkheim and Merton and taken from the original theory of anomie. According to the original strain theory, an increase in aspirations and a decrease in expectations should lead to an increase in delinquency; however, this was not found to be the case (Agnew, 1985:152). Also, the original strain theory predicted a concentration of delinquent behavior in the lower class, but research proved that delinquency was also common in the middle and upper classes (Agnew, 1985:152). Other variables are also neglected by this theory of strain, such as the abandonment of crime in late adolescence and the quality of family relationships (Agnew, 1985:152-153). Agnews general strain theory broadened the scope to include many more variable that were not addressed in the original strain theory as he attempted to explore strain theory for a perspective that accounted for goals other than monetary success and that cons idered an individuals position in social class, expectations for the future, and associations with criminal others (Agnew et al., 1996:683). General strain theory is a broad theory that can be applied to many different aspects of delinquency (ways of measuring strain, the different types of strain, and the link between strain and crime), however; in the integrated theory an individuals must also be taught how to cope without the help of others through involvement in social skills improvement, problem-solving training, and anger control programs which should lead to a decrease in delinquency. The integrated theory that incorporates elements would combine these ideas expressed by the concepts of differential association theory, Mertons theory on deviance from his 1938 analysis of the relationship between culture, structure and anomie, and Robert Agnews general strain theory, will explain all any types of criminal behavior, both violent non-violent. The crimes could involve economically driven crimes (theft, robbery, etc.) or white-collar crimes which each would be the direct result of a need to satisfy desires due to an inability to do so through the social means. I believe the integrated theory provides an accurate and comprehensive analysis defining delinquency with an explanation as to why some individuals commit crime where others do not. The integrate theory can be utilized to implement policies geared towards helping to lessen crime and help in providing a better explanation and understanding of criminal behavior.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Bone Growth And Development Health And Social Care Essay

The Bone Growth And Development Health And Social Care Essay Imtramembranous ossification starts during the development within the womb and where the flat bones and some bone of the skull and the collarbone are formed from connective tissue. This is also the method which helps injured bones to heal and develops when bones are broken to reconstruct the bone. This process also occurs during embryonic development which is endochondrial ossification, this is where bones are produced from cartilage. Endochodrial ossification is the process when the development of long bones occurs such as the development of arms and legs. Within intramembranous ossification there is no cartilage present as the bones develop from other connective tissues. The begin of intramembranous ossification starts from stem cells, these cells then have to develop into a particular cell type, such as osteoblasts which are cells that create bone tissue, spongy inner tissue of the marrow and the mineralised compact bone tissue which encloses the marrow. There are many different s tages which take place throughout intramembranous ossification due to the stem cells change, differentiate and develop into specific types of bone cells. A related process takes place to repair broken or damaged bone as the bone tissue develops from membranous or connective tissue in a similar way that they develop within the womb. In the process of stem cells form layers of relatively primitive connective tissue and some develop into bone-producing cells. During this there is a bone matrix of calcium which eventually gathers into bone spicules. When bone matrix is expelled the bone spicules grow in size, which leads to the greater formation called a trabeculae which bulild up on top on each other to form a wovenbone where as some trabeculae stay as spongy tissues which then develop into bonemarrow. The bones which progress through the intramembranous ossification develop into the patella, the parietal, frontal, occipitial and temporal bones in the skull, the patella and the upper a nd low jawbones. Inramembranous ossification also adds to bone growth particularly in short bones and the thickening of long bones as they grow. The process which is responsible for the lengthening of the bones is called epiphysis and occurs at the ends of the bones, the epiphyseal place is found under the epiphyses and before the diaphysis. During puberty and early adulthood this is usually present and is the location of bone growth. When this process has fully taken place the the epiphyseal plate completely ossifies and closes after this there is a thin line still only a thin line is still there and the bones can no longer grow in length. Endochondral ossification Endorchondral ossification is where cartilage eventually gets replaced with bone during the development. During this process the osteoblasts occur in regions of cartilage called the ossification centres. These osteoblasts then progress into osteocytes which are mature bone cells which harden the bone matrix. The majority of bones occur from a mixture of intramembranous and endochodral ossification. During this process the mesencymal cells progress into chondroblasts which increase in number through cell division which then increase in size and expel a matrix which hardens because of the occurrence of inorganic minerals, which leads to the forming of chambers within the matrix. Osteoblasts and blood-forming cells go through these chambers. These osteoblasts expel minerals which form the bone matrix. Mature hardened bone consists of an organic element and a mineral element, mature hardened bone is also living tissue. The majority of the organic element is made up of proteins such as, c ollagen fibres, an extracelluar matrix, and fibroblasts, which consist of the living cells which create the collagen and the matrix. The mineral part of the bone is made up of hydroxyapatite and calcium carbonate which provides strength and rigidity. Through the life of an individual the osteoblasts constantly expel minerals and the osteoclasts constantly reabsorb the minerals. File:Bone growth.png The skeletal system starts to develop during the third week after conception with the development of the notochord with is the construction of the back of the embryo which develops into the spine, spinal cord and the brain. During the four week of conception arms and legs are visable, with the fingers and toes developing around the eighth week of conception, after this the limbs start to expand and take on specific shape. By the fifth week the embryo has doubled in size and there is a tail-like structure which eventually develops itno the coccyx. During the seventh week the embryos facial features are visible and the 206 bones are all in place. Although the process of osteogenesis has not yet taken place fully as the bones are do not harden until further development. The majority of bony nuclei of the long bones and round bones do not finish developing until after birth. There are many different types of the main human bones which are the long, short, flat and irregular bones. The long, short and irregular bones develop due to endochondral ossification this is the process were cartilage is replaced by bone. The development of flat bones occur during intramembranous ossificaion with the bone developong by sheets of connective tissue, around 80 percent of the mature skeleton is represented by compact cortical bone which supports the body, at the midpoint of the long bones there is extra thickness to stop the bones from bending. Cancellous bone has a porous structure which has small cavities and is similar to sponge; it is found mainly in the pelvis and within the 33 vertebrae from the neck to the tailbone. Long bones increase in length by adding to the epiphyseal plate. When the bones lengthen they go through a process called remodelling, throughout this process the outer shape of the bones change as well. The bones of the skull grow due to the layers which add to the circumference of the skull by this occuring the skll becomes thicker. During birth long bones have more than one ossification centre, which grow during childhood up until the epiphyseal plates become fused with he shaft of the diaphysis. tHis process is motivated due to the hormones in the testes and ovaries, there hormones signal the linear growth of the long bones to reach the end of the growth. Flat and round bones of the skeleton are able to continue growth throughout life. Spinal Curves The vertebral column is one of the primary support structures of the human skeleton, and consists of individual pseudoseparate and fused vertebrae which allow the movement and support of the skull, and the flexibility of the neck and back and provides secure locations for the ribs and protection of the spinal cord. The spine consists of seven cervial vertebrae which form the neck, tweleve toracic vertebrae forming the upper back and five lumbar vertebrae forming the lower back. Near the bottom of the spine there is the sacrum which is made up of five fused vertebrae which secures the spine to the pelvic girdle and the coccyx which is a semi-flexible sequence of around four vertebrae which assist in the support of the the lower alimentary tract. Inbetween each vertebrae there is a intervertabral disk which is made up of cartilage and cushions the vertabral column to protect the spine from trauma, the interverebral disks also act as a shock absorber. The spine is held together by a seq uence of ligaments which include the intertransverse ligaments which run down the length of the spine and are attached to the transverse processes of each vertebrae. The spinal cord is a primary nerve pathway to and from the brain which proceed down a canal in the centre of the spinal column. The spine consists of four natural curves. Two are lordotic and two are kyphotic. The cervical and lumbar curves are lordotic. The thoracic and sacral curves are kyphotic. The curves help to distribute mechanical stress as the body moves. Cervial The cervial spine consists of seven vertebrae which are located at the top of the spine and is often referred to of the neck. One of the purposes of the cervial spine is to contain and protect the spinal cord, support the skull and to allow the head movement from side to side and to bend forward and backwards. There are many different ligaments, muscles and tendons which assist in supporting and stabilising the cervical spine. The main role of the ligaments is to stop excessive movement which could lead to damaging the cervial spine and spinal cord. The muscles in the cervical spine help the spinal balance and to provide movement, the muscles contract and relax due to the nerve impulses which are signaled from the brain. Some muscles work in pairs and some contract and the opposingmuscle relaxes, there are many different types of muscle which are lateral flexors, forward flexors, rotators and extensors. Thoracic The thoracic vertebrae form the posterior part of the bony thoracic cage. The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae which eventually increase in size. The Thoracic spine is found in the chest area, and the ribs are connected to the thoracic spine and protect a number of vital organs. Lumbar The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae which are positioned below the thoracic vertebrae and the fused vertebrae of the sacrum. These vertebraeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s are a lot larger than the vertebrae of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. The vertebral foramen is normally triangular with the spinous process pointing backwards and is rectangular or hatchet-shaped. Each vertebra are positioned on top of each other and between each one there is a intervertabral disk which is made up of cartilage and cushions the vertabral column to protect the spine from pressure, they distribute stress and prevent the vertebrae from grinding against each other. Ligaments and Tendons Groups of ligaments hold the vertebrae and discs together and they connect bone to bone. The main function of tendons is to hold muscle to bone. Within the spine the tendons connect muscles to the vertebrae they also help to stabilise the spine and protect them from extreme movement in any one direction.       ?spinal

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ Essay -- Business Management

The Leadership Lessons of Jesus Christ When we talk about Jesus as a leader, we may imply two different forms: Jesus as the only Son of God, God of the universe, or the risen Christ as being one with God; or Jesus as the 1 st century flesh and blood human being, the historical figure. Since the purpose of studying leadership is to improve one's own leadership skills, it makes sense to analyze Jesus' applicable traits, actions, and accomplishments as a good leader—in his historical role—so his leadership skills can be feasibly related to ourselves as human beings. I will attempt to analyze, using modern leadership criteria, how Jesus of Nazareth, the Jew and carpenter's son, was an effective spiritual leader of his time. Let us first examine the leadership attitude Jesus showed in his ministry. According to the address Thomas Cronin delivered at the Western Academy of Management in 1982, part of what makes leaders appealing is their confidence and faith: Leaders have those indispensable qualities of contagious self-confidence, unwarranted optimism, and incurable idealism that allow them to attract and mobilize others to undertake tasks these people never dreamed they could undertake. (To Lead or Not to Lead, Unit One 36) Jesus had infectious self-confidence that attracted all types of people to his cause. A teacher of the law said to Jesus, â€Å"Teacher, I will follow your wherever you go† (Matt. 8:19). He was also an optimist: Jesus said, â€Å"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well† (Matt. 6:33). He was an idealist; his mission commanded his followers to be spiritually perfect (Matt. 5:48). Although Jesus' ethical standard was incredibly high, his faith in God was... ...human characteristics. But his weakness contributed to his character as a man. Essentially, Jesus' leadership abilities were perfect for his time. Works Cited Borg, Marcus J. Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 1994. Borg, Marcus J., and N.T. Wright. The Meaning of Jesus. San Francisco: Harper Collins, 2000. To Lead or Not to Lead, Phi Theta Kappa Leadership Development Studies. Jackson, MS: Phi Theta Kappa, Inc., 2001. Porter, J.R. Jesus Christ: The Jesus of History, the Christ of Faith. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Schure, Edouard. Jesus: The Last Great Initiate. Kila, MT: Kessinger Publishing Company, 1995. Stafford, Tim and Philip Yancey. The Student Bible, New International Version. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986. Yancey, Philip. The Jesus I Never Knew. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1995.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Elites And The Masses Essay -- essays research papers fc

Elites and the Masses There are many theories pertaining to the nature of power in society. In modern society, it is important to identify where and when power is exercised, who benefits and who suffers from it being exerted upon them. In this tradition, it is useful to examine the managerialist perspective.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Managerialism focuses on organizations as the basis, or unit of analysis of society, to which all other aspects of society are subordinate to. These organizations use their resources in an attempt to dominate each other and society. Managerialism tells us that power is concentrated among a group of elites who control organizations, and use them as an instrument to gain more power and expand their realm of control. Organizational power is increasingly the most important force that explains the direction of change in both state and society (Alford and Friedland, p.174). Thus, elites are becoming the most important factor that determines our society, and do not serve the full interests of society, but rather attempt to manipulate the masses to better serve itself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy lends itself to the notion of the managerialism. He claims that as society becomes more integrated and complex, organizational elites come to be more dependent on specialists and experts, or bureaucracies to advise and influence them on decisions. Bureaucracies are groups of individuals doing specialized tasks which blend into a cohesive and efficient unit. Power becomes increasingly centralized within bureaucracies and the elites who control them because as they grow, becoming more powerful, they use that power to gain more control over the masses. Weber saw the historical development of societies as a movement toward rational forms of organization, that is, groups organized not on the basis of the authority of personalities and traditions but on the basis of specific functions to perform or objectives to meet (Marger p. 72). Weber often used the notion of a machine to illustrate what he meant by modern organizations, refer ring to people as “cogs'; that serve the machine, losing their identity and creativity in the process. Although Weber admitted that both mechanization and bureaucracy together created an extremely efficient and productive economic system, they also worked to bui... ...with common interests who join together for a common goal, while managerialism believes that power is centralized among a small group of elites who work to get more power, and will even manipulate the masses in their own best interest. Pluralism believes that the citizens dictate to our government the proper policies to enact, when managerialism says that people in a position of power dictate policies to the public. In addition, pluralism assumes a consensus of values among individuals, while managerialism sees society working by conflict and coercion Bibliography Alford and Friedland, Chapter Seven, “State and Society in Managerial Perspective,'; in Powers of Theory, 1985, p.161-83. Martin Marger, Ch.4, “The Elite Model,'; in Elites and Masses (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1981). George Ritzer, “The Weberian Theory of Rationalization and the McDonaldization of Contemporary Society,'; p 37-62 in P. Kivisto (ed.), Illuminating social like (Thousand Oaks, Pine Forge Press, 1998). C. Wright Mills, “The Structure of Power in America,'; in James Farganis (ed.), Ch. 11 “Conflict Theory,'; Readings in Social Theory (NY: Mcgraw-Hill, 1996).

Attkins: Hoax or Legitimate Diet? Essay -- Health Nutrition Diet Exerc

Attkins: Hoax or Legitimate Diet?  Ã‚  Ã‚   I will confess I had dismissed Atkins as a total hoax, especially when my mom’s fifty-three-year-old friend developed serious osteoporosis, after a few years on the diet. Now, having researched the Atkins diet, I've learned there is a lot that's positive about Atkins' approach. Still, I'm convinced there are better ways to get the benefits of Atkins without its downsides. As you're undoubtedly aware, Dr. Atkins' basic premise is that we've all been eating too many carbohydrates, especially refined white flour and sugar. â€Å"If you Replace most of those carbohydrates with more fat and more protein†, says Atkins, â€Å"then you'll lose weight.† However, contrary to popular opinion, Atkins is not a "no carb" diet. Even in its strict initial "induction" phase, Atkins allows three cups of salad greens or two cups of greens plus one cup of chopped non-starchy veggies like broccoli or red peppers. You must remember fruits and vegetables are carbs! Gradually anyone on this diet is suppose to increase their carbs in their diet until they discover their individual Atkins Carbohydrate Equilibrium (ACE), which is the level of carbohydrate consumption at which you will not gain weight. It is factual that much of the rise in American obesity and diabetes can be pinned on our enormous consumption of refined carbohydrates. A person’s body turns carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar) to fuel your body. Intaking too much glucose too quickly your body will be overstrained; your pancreas must extract excess insulin to rush the excess glucose out of the blood stream, and into your fat cells. If you eat fewer carbs or limit yourself to whole unrefined carbs that tr... ...beneficial in the context of a low-carb diet. This seems risky and still unproven to me. I think that it is better to just eat good, healthy food. If you cut all the processed junk from your diet, you're left with a huge, delicious universe of whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, poultry, fish, legumes, eggs, nuts, and seeds. You can lose excess pounds and maintain a healthy weight by simply eating the good stuff and exercising; without getting excessive and counting each and every carbohydrate, gram, and calorie. I will confess I was biased and had dismissed Atkins as a total hoax. Now, having researched the Atkins diet, I see that many people have benefited from the diet. I see that there are a lot of benefits about Atkins' approach. Yet, I'm still convinced there are better ways to lose weight without facing Atkins downsides.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Comparing Fordism and Scientific Management

Fordism and Scientific Management are terms used to describe management that had application to practical situations with extremely dramatic effects. Fordism takes its name from the mass production units of Henry Ford, and is identified by an involved technical division of labour within companies and their production units. Other characteristics of Fordism include strong hierarchical control, with workers in a production line often restricted to the one single task, usually specialised and unskilled. Scientific management, on the other hand, â€Å"originated† through Fredrick Winslow Taylor in 1911, and in very basic terms described the one best way work could be done and that the best way to improve output was to improve the techniques or methods used by the workers. (Robbins p. 38) Many comparisons can be made between the two theories, such as the mechanisation, fragmentation and specialisation of work and that a lack of intellectual or skilled content will speed up the work at hand. Fordism's mechanisation of mass production further emphasised many of Taylor†s popular beliefs about management being divorced from human affairs and emotions, using ‘humans as instruments or machines to be manipulated by their leaders† (Hersey p. 84). Fordism fused and emphasised the scientific methods to get things done by Ford†s successful mass-production processes. Contrasts also exist between the two theories. Fordism dehumanisied the worker whereas scientific management convinced the workers that their goals could be readily achieved along with their employers goals, therefore they should all work together in this direction. Fordism suited industrial companies participating in mass production, whereas Scientific Management could be used in many types of organisation. Large companies such as Ford Motors, The Reichskuratorium fur Wirtschaftkichkeit (RKW) in Germany examples these theories in practice. These theories of the past are lessons for the way modern organisations are run today. Managers now realise that they should treat their workers more democratically and since the mid-70†³s, sweeping changes in markets and technology have encouraged managers and manufacturers to use greater product diversity and more flexible methods of production. Movements towards a more flexible organisation have become apparent. Examples of orgainisations such as Nissan, NASA and Toyota serve as modern day examples of post-Fordism and depict movement towards a modified Scientific Management. Comparisons that can be made include Fordism's mechanisation of mass production and Taylor†s attempts at using employees as machines. Taylor designed this using his principles of management that included developing a science for each element of work and finding the quickest way the job could be done. Henry Ford†s ideal types of Fordist production system included using fixed and dedicated machines in individuals work, rather than turning the employee into a machine. (Hollinshead 1995) With Taylor attempting to prove to the world that there was a science to management and that the quickest way was the best way, he attacked the incompetence of managers for their inefficiencies in running the railroads and factories. Using time and motion studies, Taylor achieved productivity increases of up to 200 per cent. (Dunphy, 1998, p. 4). His thoughts were echoed by others: during a 1910 Interstate Commerce Commission hearing, Louis D. Brandeis argued that US railroads could save a million dollars a day if they introduced scientific management into their operations (Oakes, 1996). Taylor showed the world that the methodical and scientific study of work could lead to improved efficiency. He believed that by defining clear guidelines for workers many improvements could be made to the production of goods. Fordism like Scientific Management in the newly mechanised industries of the early 20th century emphasised that efficiency came from precision in job design, clear division of responsibilities and tight policing of implementation (Taylor, 1911). Taylorism and Fordism were consistent with notions of the organisation as † a ‘military machine† first developed by Frederick the Great of Prussia, and later refined by Henri Fayol†. (Taplin, 1995, p. 430) Scientific Management encouraged firms to improve efficiency by analysing individual processes of industrial production and then recreating them to produce maximum output from any given size labor force. (Hudson, 1997) Ford's production-line innovations compounded scientific management†s efficiencies into the economy. Taylor believed it would be best to scientifically select, train, teach and develop the workers. However, in contrast, Fordism was based on mass production using semi skilled workers who could be easily replaced. Fordism did not care for the workers to work as a team and to ‘Heartily co-operate †¦ to ensure that all work is done in accordance with the principles of science† like Taylor†s ideas of scientific management did (Robbins,1997, p. 40). Although Fordism borrowed many scientific management ideas, it then advanced upon them to produce a new form of management that included management having hierarchical authority and technical control. Fordism enabled managers to regulate production and safeguard their own position within firms as well as meeting the efficiency criteria set by owners. The obvious efficiencies of Fordism and features that were responsible for the economic successes of this system, also caused problems. Fordism proved particularly suitable to manufacturing in a mass consumption economy, required only occasional innovation of new products and used machines that only made specific goods. Often, these were of low-quality, low-value, high-volume nature, and competition was price based. Low quality could easily become poor quality; workers were poorly motivated with resulting high labor turnover and absenteeism; and coordinating the flow of materials through production processes was difficult (Wood, 1993). Fordism led to massive increases in productivity in certain industries, but the human cost was significant. At one point Henry Ford's assembly lines had an annual employee turnover of 380 per cent (Encarta, 1998). Fordism alienated workers and allowed no creativity. Where scientific management looked to divide work and responsibility almost equally between management and workers, Fordism was after minimum discretion between management and workers with fragmented work and minimal tasks for employees. Examining what happened at the Ford Motor Company supports these facts. In 1913 Ford began using monotonous assembly-line techniques in his plant. Although assembly-line techniques greatly increased productivity, many people soon left their line jobs, because of the unpleasant monotony of the work and the repeated increases in production quotas. This is something that contemporary management techniques have realised; it is beneficial for employees to become involved within their jobs and not expected to be machines. Ford partly overcame this problem by doubling the daily wage then standard in the industry with his famous offer of ‘$5 a day to workers who would put up with the alienated, regimented work conditions at Ford Motors† (Clark, 1997). One worker said, â€Å"You†ve got to work like hell at Ford†s†¦ You can†t let up. You†ve got to get out the production†¦ nd if you can†t get it out, you get out† (Rupert, 1997, p. 11) His results were increased stability in Fords labor force and a substantial reduction in operating costs. Then the Model T automobile was introduced in 1908. With the help of this model, Ford became America†s largest automobile producer and vendor. Nevertheless throughout the 1930s Ford began losing business to his competitors, mainly because they were slow introducing new models of automobiles every year. (Encarta, 1998) Scientific Management and Fordism created a new type of ‘revolution†. The promise of massive increases in productivity led to the following of Fords and Taylor†s models of management all over the world. Britain never had a scientific management movement like that in America, and the leading British engineering journals in the early 20th century revealed Taylorism receiving attention, much of it positive. Engineering became an unqualified supporter of scientific management, only The Engineer, a journal of engineering at the time, maintained sustained hostility to Taylorism declaring it was unfair and inhuman and not â€Å"sportsmanlike. The Engineer criticised the separation of workers thinking in their jobs from doing their jobs and described Taylorism as â€Å"scientific management gone mad. † (Whitson, 1997) Another organisation that followed both the American models of Taylor and Ford, was The Reichskuratorium fur Wirtschaftkichkeit (RKW) founded in 1921. This huge Berlin-based electro-technical and machine-constructing conglomerate strove to implement measures of industrial and organisational efficiency in Germany in the inter-war era. RKW†s aim was to â€Å"implement technical and organisational measures of industrial, and economic efficiency, an organization devoted to industry; efficiency, and production standardization. † (Shearer, 1997, p. 569) In modern times, firms have attempted to reconfigure work places and production systems using flat hierarchies and lean production systems in contrast to Scientific and Fordist management. Managers presume that these sorts of changes will enable firms to achieve flexibility, seen by many managers as essential to maintaining competitive advantage into and beyond the 21st Century. Flexible production systems opposing strict Fordist lines, made possible by these organisational changes and new technologies, permit shortened product development time. There is a new way of organising production and a departure from Fordism and all it contains. However, scientific management was used by Japanese automobile constructors in the 1970s when they began to compete using â€Å"fundamentally improved manufacturing processes that consistently produced vehicles of higher quality far faster than Detroit† (Oakes p. 569). Japan car manufacturers successfully decreased labour and production costs giving American Manufacturers a run for their money, Japans Toyota is an example that used Fordism as a base of new managerial processes. Another modern day example, which drew on these two management methods, was in space science. NASA developed a set of measures to assess if they were implementing their own strategies. NASA's strategy, defined by the motto ‘cheaper, faster, better,† was to reduce the size and cost of space probes without eliminating any important missions. Figures show that the two missions to Mars launched in late 1996 were each one-fifth the real cost of previous Mars missions (under $200 million in 1996 dollars, as opposed to an average of $1 billion each for the previous eleven U. S. spacecraft launched for Mars)†. (Oakes, 1996, p. 589) Post-Fordism has been described as a â€Å"shift to the new information technologies;[a] more flexible, decentralized form of labour process and of targeting consumers by lifestyle taste and culture rather than by categories of social class†¦ as well as] a rise of the service and white-collar classes and the feminization of the workforce:† These are lessons managers have learnt and result in less rigidity and mechanisation and a reduction in the blue-collar masculine workforce. The firms that face the most difficulties in the new globalised marketplace are often those with labor intensive, standardised manufacturing processes. Companies emphasise that these new forms of work provide better jobs. For instance, Nissan projects an image of work as taking place in an empowering environment built around the themes of flexibility, quality and teamwork. In conclusion, both Fordism and Scientific Management share common themes yet also display some significant differences. They both encourage looking at the fastest way work can be completed and impose strict guidelines upon employees and their job descriptions. This has led to a great deal of dissatisfaction among employees in production lines with alienation and monotony of workers that encouraged a high turnover of employees at organisations that imposed these techniques. Henry Ford developed much of his conceptions upon Taylor†s ideas of scientific management. These theories imply that contemporary organisations and their managers should take into consideration the ideas of employees to avoid division. Managers today often see workers as multi-skilled and more involved in the process of production via teamwork, the reintegration of manual and mental labour, and the empowerment of production workers. Today†s mass production has seen technology wiping out many of the jobs once held by these employees. There is a movement towards a more flexible workplace in the wave of this new technology away from strict guidelines imposed upon workers and their job descriptions, they are now encouraged to learn about other areas of the workplace. Fordism and scientific management have greatly influenced our workplace today and their theories will continue to be built upon for years to come.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Gene Engineering

Genetic Engineering Research I. Introduction In the past three decades, scientists have learned how to mix and match characteristics among unrelated creatures by moving genes from one creature to another. This is called â€Å"genetic engineering. † Genetic Engineering is a test tube science and is prematurely applied in food production. There are estimates that food output must increase by 60 percent over the next 25 years to keep up with demand. Thus, the result of scientist genetically altering plants for more consumption. The two most common methods for gene transfer are biological and electromechanical. â€Å"Early experiments all involved changing DNA using bacterial vectors†(Randerson, 2001). Through other advances scientists proclaim how they can improve the human gene pool. All humans have genes which carry certain traits structuring a person’s chemical make-up. â€Å"Inheritable characteristics are passed from one generation to the next through DNA, a molecule that is present in all of our cells†(Massey,2001). Gene Engineering could be used in various ways trying to improve humans. Gene modifications can have an impact solely on a single person (somatic manipulation), or on a person's children and all subsequent descendants (germline manipulation). Somatic manipulation seeks to change the genetic makeup of particular body in somatic cells that comprise the organs and tissues. Germline genetic manipulation changes the sex cells which can modify the health of a c†¦ †¦ middle of paper †¦ †¦ must be put in use for advances in reproductive technology and not to become available with bad intentions or misguided choices. II. References Cited Massey, Rachel. â€Å"Engineering Humans Part 1†. Human Genetics Alert, March, 2001. http://www. – users. globalnet. co. uk/~cahg/ King, David. †The Threat of Human Genetic Engineering†. Human Genetics Alert, 1999. http://www. hgalert. org Randerson, James. â€Å"Gene Modified Athletes†. Human Genetics Alert, November, 2001. http://online. sfsu. edu/%7Erone/GEessays/genemodifiedathletes Hayes, Richard. â€Å"In the Pipeline: Genetically Modified Human

Thursday, August 15, 2019

How Is Love Presented in Romeo and Juliet and Two Poems from the Shakespeare Literary Heritage

How is Love presented in Romeo and Juliet and two poems from the Shakespeare Literary Heritage Love is presented in a variety of different ways in Romeo and Juliet and my chosen poems from the Literary Heritage: Stop All the Clocks and Sonnet 130. For instance, in Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare is attempting to challenge the tradition of courtly love that was prominent in the Elizabethan era. He is suggesting that the tradition of courtly love is artificial and essentially false. Courtly love was a hidden love between the nobility in medieval times.In Sonnet 130 Shakespeare has a different goal; he is attempting to challenge the traditional Petrarchan sonnet that was popular at the time. These sonnets were grand declarations of love but also seemed rather overblown and unnecessarily dramatic. W. H. Auden’s poem Stop All the Clocks is dramatic and very emotional, however this is justified in this instance as his lover has died. This would undoubtedly be an exceedingly traumatic e xperience. In Act 1 Scene 1 of Romeo and Juliet love is presented as being like a poison that can infect a person.Shakespeare uses a metaphor in a very interesting manner in this scene to show this. For instance, when Montague is describing how his son Romeo is acting due to Romeo’s unreturned love for Rosaline he states, â€Å"As is the bud bit with an envious worm, Ere he can spread his sweet leaves to the air, Or dedicate his beauty to the same. † He is suggesting that Romeo is like a flower â€Å"bud† that won’t open itself up to the world because it’s been poisoned from within by parasites. Just like the flower has been poisoned by parasites, Romeo has been poisoned by love.Romeo only goes out at night and shuts himself away in a darkened room during the day. This metaphor helps the audience to see that love can be a dangerous force that causes people to act in unusual ways. Shakespeare uses this dramatic metaphor to show the intensity with wh ich Romeo seems to love Rosaline, however he does this to raise questions about how real Romeo’s love is for Juliet when he meets her later in the play. Shakespeare is depicting the lovesickness stage of courtly love and challenging how real it is by his use of this over the top metaphor.Additionally, in Act 1 Scene 1, love is presented as a complicated and contradictory thing. Shakespeare uses oxymorons effectively to show this idea. For example, when Romeo is describing the love he feels for Rosaline to his cousin Benvolio he states, â€Å"O brawling love, O loving hate†, amongst a series of other oxymorons. Shakespeare here uses oxymorons to show that the love Romoe feels for Rosaline is something that gives him great joy but also great pain at the same time. He is in love with Rosaline and that is wonderful but he hates the fact that she will not return his love.This allows the audience an insight into the intensity with which it appears Romeo loves Rosaline. This reinforces Shakespeares goal of setting up a situation in which the audience will doubt Romeo’s love for Juliet later in the play. In Act 1 Scene 5 love is presented in an over the top and overly dramatic way. Shakespeare uses hyperbole extremely well here to show this. In this scene Romeo and his friends have crashed Capulet’s party and he catches his first glimpse of Juliet. When he does so he states that she â€Å"doth teach the torches to burn bright! This is hyperbole because obviously Juliet cannot literally teach the torches to burn bright. The hyperbole is used to show that Romeo thinks that Juliet’s beauty overshadows everyone and everything in the room. The audience is supposed to once again feel the intensity with which Romeo can love, however the audience is left with doubts about how real this love is because just a few scenes earlier he was in the depths of despair over Rosaline. Shakespeare uses Romeo’s hyperbole and Romeo’s quick s witch from Rosaline to Juliet to question how real courtly love is.Furthermore, this over the top dramatic presentation of love continues through Romeo’s description of Juliet’s beauty. Shakespeare switches to using a simile to continue this trend. For example, he continues his description of Juliet by saying â€Å"It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night, Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear. † Again, this shows that Romeo feels that Juliet beauty stands out from the crowd just like an shiny earring would stand out in an African person’s ear. This encourages the audience to further doubt how real Romeo’s love for Juliet is as his language becomes more and more over the top.If Romeo can so quickly forget Rosaline is his love for Juliet genuine or just another infatuation? Shakespeare is attempting to drive his point home that courtly love is a false and unrealistic version of love through his depiction of Romeo’s descriptions of Ju liet. This over the top overly dramatic depiction of love is continued before Romeo and Juliet kiss for the first time. Shakespeare uses the sonnet form to show their conversation leading to their first kiss as this was the traditional form of exaggerated love poetry at the time. Within the sonnet he uses extended Christian metaphor to great effect.As Romeo is trying to flirt with Juliet he states â€Å"(taking  JULIET’s hand)  If I profane with my unworthiest hand, This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this. † Basically as he takes her hand he states that her hand is like a holy place that his sinful hand is not worthy to touch. He is using a religious metaphor to put Juliet up on a pedestal as a thing of purity. This further adds to the audiences doubt about how real Romeo’s love for Juliet is as they are left wondering has Romeo simply switched his attention to Juliet because she is returning his affection whereas Rosaline didn’t want to.Shakespeare is continuing to show the falseness and fickleness of courtly love through Romeo’s over the top language. The sonnet form is perfect to use here as it was a form often used to depict courtly love. Furthermore, the overly dramatic depiction of love continues through this sonnet. Again this is within the extended Christian metaphor of the sonnet. When Romeo is just about to kiss Juliet he says â€Å"O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. † Here his â€Å"prayer† is the kiss he is about to give to Juliet.The metaphor is once again intended to show the purity of Romeo’s love for Juliet as his kiss is not sinful but is more like a thing of purity: a prayer. At this stage, the audience should be completely doubtful of how real Romeo’s love for Juliet is as he continues to use overly cliched and over the top language to show his devotion to her in combination with the fact that he has completely forgotten about Rosaline. Shakespeare’s use of Christian metaphor is intended to further mock the courtly love tradition as he is saying that courtly love is false and not in fact pure at all.